If you’re not paying close attention to your affiliate commissions, you may be missing out on potential revenue. In a nutshell, without commission tracking, you won’t be able to identify high-converting affiliates and offer support to those who need it. Fortunately, you can easily start monitoring your affiliate commissions and set unique rates with our […]
Keep ReadingHow to Create a Loyal Audience with Affiliate Marketing (3 Tips)
Even if your business has a unique niche, the online marketplace is still full of competition. This can mean it’s often difficult to get noticed, and even harder to retain customers. You may wonder what you can do to encourage one-time buyers to stick with your brand long-term. The answer could be affiliate marketing. This […]
Keep ReadingHow to Learn from Your Affiliates and Build a Better Team
If you run an affiliate marketing program, you know that your affiliate partners are some of the best resources for growing your business. However, if you don’t know what your partners want or how to inspire them, it can be challenging to keep them motivated. Fortunately, by taking the time to learn more about your affiliates, you […]
Keep ReadingAdvanced Form Building with Easy Affiliate’s Formidable Forms Integration
Every affiliate program is different. That’s why we aim to provide you with a variety of tools to help satisfy the needs of your business. And if you’re looking for an online form builder that goes beyond basic form building, then we have just the tool for you! Today, we’re here to introduce our integration […]
Keep ReadingHow to Promote a Positive Relationship With Affiliates (4 Ways)
To build a strong affiliate program, a positive relationship with your affiliates is vital, so that they’re motivated to give you their best work. However, this can be a challenge. You may never meet your affiliates face-to-face, and it can be hard to maintain a personal relationship with a seemingly anonymous stranger. Fortunately, there are […]
Keep ReadingHow to Be a Successful Subscription Affiliate (3 Tips)
While one-time payment sales are common in affiliate marketing, they aren’t always the most lucrative option. When you sell only one type of product, you risk countless income-earning opportunities each year. Subscription products are those that enable you to collect payments on a continual basis. They can offer your customers value (through constant content updates), […]
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