Your website is the strongest tool in your affiliate marketing arsenal, so you need to make sure it has everything it needs to do its job. One crucial element is to include the most useful affiliate pages possible. Without these pages, you could be shortchanging your website and your business. Your About Us and Contact […]
Keep Reading4 Elements of a Successful Affiliate Marketing Program
When creating an affiliate program, you want to aim for success, but also know when you’ve achieved it. However, it can be difficult to identify what the benchmarks are for reaching your goal. To avoid setting yourself up for failure, it is crucial that you understand the markers of a successful program. Fortunately, there are […]
Keep Reading3 Important Things to Consider When Reviewing Affiliate Applications
As you build your affiliate program, a major indicator of its success will be the actual affiliates you choose. If you don’t select the right candidates, their mediocre conversion rates could end up sabotaging your business. In short, you could be setting your program up for failure. Fortunately, you can simplify the application review process […]
Keep ReadingHow to Create an Affiliate Program for a Brick and Mortar Business (3 Tips)
Running a business – whether it’s brick and mortar or online – is difficult. However, running a fully offline store can also come with its own challenges. These include difficulty connecting with customers face to face, resulting in the loss of potential leads and sales. This is where an online affiliate program can prove beneficial. […]
Keep ReadingHow to Be a Successful Subscription Affiliate (3 Tips)
While one-time payment sales are common in affiliate marketing, they aren’t always the most lucrative option. When you sell only one type of product, you risk countless income-earning opportunities each year. Subscription products are those that enable you to collect payments on a continual basis. They can offer your customers value (through constant content updates), […]
Keep Reading3 Great Benefits of Doing Affiliate PayPal Payments
A major part of affiliate marketing is finalizing the sale – this is true for both marketers and program managers. Unfortunately, abandoned purchases are a frequent problem for online marketers, and may be hindering your business’ growth. Fortunately, there are many easy-to-use payment options you can include in your affiliate program to decrease abandoned sales. […]
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