When building a startup, you need a marketing plan in place that will help put your new business in front of potential customers. A tried-and-true method for generating revenue for startups is affiliate marketing. Established brands and startup companies alike use affiliate marketing because the tactic tends to work. It doesn’t cost much to collaborate […]
Keep ReadingHow Automation Can Power Up Your Affiliate Marketing Efforts
As the commercial world becomes more competitive, businesses are always looking for new ways to market their services and attract customers. The market demands these methods be more diverse and targeted than traditional marketing approaches. Despite these increasing demands, one’s marketing resources can’t always grow alongside these trends. For this reason, efficiency in digital marketing […]
Keep ReadingAWIN vs Impact Radius vs Easy Affiliate (All You Need to Know)
With evidence to suggest that an affiliate program could boost your sales by 30%, there’s never been a better time to break into affiliate marketing. However, the thought of creating your own network can be daunting. Fortunately, there are platforms that can help you launch your own affiliate network. With the right tools, you can even […]
Keep ReadingWhy (and How) to Start a B2B Affiliate Marketing Program
It’s widely accepted that affiliate programs are an effective way to grow your business. However, there’s one type of network that is often overlooked: Business-to-Business (B2B). That’s why we’ve created this complete guide to starting a B2B affiliate marketing program. By partnering with other businesses, you can tap into an entirely new audience and send […]
Keep ReadingCJ Affiliate vs AWIN vs Easy Affiliate (All You Need to Know)
There are many ways to improve your affiliate marketing strategy. However, the same techniques and tools won’t work for everyone. Fortunately, there are tons of affiliate marketing networks and programs to help you take the next step. You just need to find the perfect match. That’s why we’ve done the research to show you the […]
Keep ReadingHow to Start a Blog (Tricks and Checklist)
Today, blogging has become a vital marketing tool that can help create a personal brand, promote it, and build a community around a brand. With the help of a blog, you can also develop an online presence, interact with your audience, drive traffic to your website, and attract leads. Thus, a blog turns out to […]
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