You can view and manage your Affiliates from the Dashboard > Easy Affiliate > Affiliates page.

Each Affiliate on your site will be listed on this page. You can see their username, name, status, and some MTD (Month to Date) data for each affiliate.
Use the search box (search by username or email) to find a particular affiliate.
Clicking on the affiliate's username will link you to their WordPress User Profile where you can further adjust their profile information.
If you'd like to keep notes on certain affiliates, so you don't forget important details about them, then click the page icon in the Notes column. A window will pop up where you can manage notes for that affiliate.
You can export the data by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking either the Export table as CSV (X records) or Export all as CSV (X records). The former will export only the current page, and the latter will export the entire result (all pages).
ID: The Affiliate's WordPress User ID.
Username: The Affiliate's WordPress Username.
Name: The Affiliate's Name.
Status: Active, Inactive, or Blocked. Active Affiliates have referred at least 1 click or 1 commission within the last 30 days — Inactive otherwise. If you block an Affiliate in their WP User Profile, they will show as Blocked status here.
MTD Clicks: Month-to-Date Clicks is the number of clicks the Affiliate has referred so far “this” month.
YTD Clicks: Year-to-Date Clicks is the number of clicks the Affiliate has referred so far “this” year.
MTD Commissions: Month-to-Date Commissions is the amount in commissions the Affiliate has earned so far “this” month.
YTD Commissions: Year-to-Date Commissions is the amount in commissions the Affiliate has earned so far “this” year.
Signup Date: The date the Affiliate became a User in your WordPress site.
Referrer: If this Affiliate was referred by another Affiliate, the referring affiliate will be listed here.
Notes: Manage affiliate-specific notes here.