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How to Use the Commission Rules Add-on

2 min read

This add-on is available with the purchase of the Pro license.

With the Commission Rules add-on, you can set custom rules for your commissions. Want to pay a higher or lower percent commission for some products vs other products? Want to pay a lower percentage if a certain coupon was used?

With Commission Rules, you can now do that and more!

First, you'll need to install and activate the add-on from the Easy Affiliate > Add-ons page.

Once installed and activated, you'll see a new menu item in Easy Affiliate > Commission Rules.

Click that new menu item to begin managing and setting up your Commission Rules.

Priority: This will determine the order in which this commission rule will be applied when determining commission. The lower the number, the higher the priority. This defaults to a priority of 1.

Rules/Matches: This is where you'll define your set of Matches for this Rule.

Type: All or Any. If All, then ALL conditions must match, or the Rule won't be applied. If Any, then if ANY one of the conditions is met, the Rule will be applied.

Commission Type: Percentage or Fixed Amount. If Percentage, then the affiliate is paid a percentage of the sale. If Fixed Amount, then the affiliate is paid a fixed amount for sale regardless of the amount of the sale.

NOTE: If you have the Commission Levels add-on installed, you will also have the option to add additional commission levels.

This part explains different options you'll encounter once you start creating a new rule

The first drop-down menu is “Type”.

It can be Transaction or Affiliate. Transaction applies to all transactions, while Affiliate applies to all affiliates.

If you select Transaction as the type, you'll get the next-drop-down menu that contains the following options:

Source: The eCommerce integration through which the purchase was made.

Coupon: The coupon code used in the transaction (if any).

Note: The check for a matching coupon code is case-sensitive. If you are using WooCommerce, it saves the coupon code in all lowercase, so be sure to enter lowercase coupon codes here.

Item Id: The ID of the product that was purchased. For example, the WooCommerce Product ID, the MemberPress Membership ID or EDD Download ID.

Item Name: The name of the product that was purchased. For example, the WooCommerce Product name, the MemberPress Membership name or EDD Download name.

Amount: The net sale amount of the transaction (excluding taxes and shipping).

Payment #: The payment number for recurring subscription payments; the first payment will be 1, the second payment 2 and so on.

If you select Affiliate as the type, you'll get the next-drop-down menu that contains the following options:

Username: The username of the affiliate who referred the sale.

Referrals: The number of user accounts that signed up using the affiliate’s affiliate link.

Sales: The total number of sales referred by the affiliate.

Please note that if you have product(s) that create a recurring subscription, every subscription renewal will be counted as a sale if you have the Pay Commission on All Sales option enabled in the Easy Affiliate > Settings > Commission tab.

Sales Amount: The total amount of all sales referred by the affiliate

For the sales amount of a recurring subscription, please see above.

The next drop-down menu can contain logical comparison selection (Is, Is Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Matches, In, Not In), or mathematical comparison symbols (=, !=, >, <, >=, <=), depending on whether the previous selection was textual or numerical in nature.

It is important to point out that all of these accept only one parameter except the “In” and “Not In” condition, which accepts multiple, comma-separated parameters. That can come in handy when creating rules, as you will be able to see in the rules' examples.

Finally, the last field is where you need to manually enter the data that previous selections will be based upon.

Looking for examples of rules for a specific use case you might have? Please visit this page.

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