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Known conflicts and incompatibilities

Easy Affiliate works great with just about every WordPress plugin and theme, however, below you can find a list of the known conflicts.

The most common thing that causes conflicts with Easy Affiliate is a non-configured cache so please make sure that you exclude the esaf_click cookie within your caching plugin.

We've found that aggressive caching setups like Varnish or Memcached often prevent tracking cookies from being set when a user clicks on an affiliate link. Without the cookie, nothing can be tracked.

Conditional Theme Conflicts

  • Divi

When you click on action links from the affiliate dashboard it doesn't open a box for coping the code

  • SOLUTION – disable “Defer Additional Third Party Scripts” at Divi – Theme Options – General – Performance

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Get Easy Affiliate

There are many good reasons to get Easy Affiliate today, especially the ones I’m going to tell you about right now.