The “Advanced” tab in “Settings” is used for email settings, international currency settings, and dashboard navigation.
Email Notifications

Use the sliders to turn each email on or off.

Send Welcome Email – This is the email that is sent out to an affiliate after they sign up for the first time.
Send Affiliate Sale Email – This email is triggered when a new sale has been made through an affiliate link referral and a commission has been credited to the affiliate's balance.
Send Admin Commission Email – This email is sent to the admin when a new referral sale has been made through an affiliate link.
Edit – Clicking the “Edit” box will expand the email and allow you to change it however you see fit. Use the drop down and “Insert” button to add parameters to your email. You can also use the slider at the bottom to turn the default template on or off. When finished, click the “Hide Editor” button to remove the body of the email.
(A full list of email parameters can be found here: Email Parameters-Full List)
Send Test – This will send a test email to the email you have set as your admin email (note: this is used to simply verify if the email is being sent and received; it will not contain any real or custom information).
Reset to Default – This will remove any custom parameters, images, or settings you have added, and will set it to the default email.

Email Settings

Admin Email Address – This is the email you want to set as the admin that will receive admin notifications and test emails.
From Name – This name will appear in the “from” section of emails sent out to affiliates.
From Email – This email will appear in the “from” section of the affiliates email, if you do not want the admin email to be the same.
International Settings

International Settings will allow you to change currency based on the location where you do business.
Currency Code – The Country code you want currency in, such as USD or GBP.
Currency Symbol – A drop down of all the symbols available to use.
Currency Format – A drop down of various formats, such as decimals(.) commas(,) or just numbers
Dashboard Navigation
With this option, you can add additional tabs to your affiliate dashboard page. This is covered in a separate how-to article.

When toggled, this slider will enroll you in automatic updates that will include edge (development) releases (not recommended for production websites).
Update Options – Make sure to select this button once you are finished to save any changes.